play doh 5

Joe McVicker Play-Doh took an educational agreement for school manufacturers, [1] and Woodward and Lothrop department store in Washington, DC began selling the compound. [6] In 1956, the McVickers formed Rainbow Crafts Company to manufacture and sell Play-Doh. [7] Also in 1956, added a package of three boxes of 7 ounces of the product line, and after demonstrations in stores, Macy's New York and Marshall Field in Chicago opened retail accounts. In 1957, the chemist Dr. Tien Liu reduce the salt content of Play Doh (allowing models to dry without losing its color), and Play-Doh ads served Captain Kangaroo, Ding Dong School, and break room. In 1958, sales of Play-Doh is approximately $ 3 million.

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